Fortress Immacula

Here's a blast from the past--a scan of the invitation to the second (and last) great Fortress Immacula party. This, of course, doesn't count ordinary parties, of which there were many (almost daily!).

The first big Fortress Immacula blast was, I believe, on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, 1987, back before you got the whole week off for Thanksgiving. This second party was a spring break kick-off in 1988, and was even better attended than the first, with guests from Adelante Fraternity, Top of the Town/That Place, the ISU Architecture program and the ISU Women's Gymnastic Team.

Party games included the quiz game "Which would you rather have?", a rousing rendition of "Take the Pain", led by Stingray himself, and a sing-a-long of Kum-Ba-Yah around the keg led by John Roberg.

Depicted on this flyer for the party, which was created by the amazing Guy, or "T", as he was then more or less known, are the following Stingray Regime personalities (from left to right):

Stuckness, the Dark Evil Overlord of the Dark Evil Side of the Evil Universe
Gonar, Gatekeeper to the Outer Galaxy
Blitzkrieg Bob, the Consistent Visitor
Technomaster (resided at the Fortress)
Drugmaster, later known as Ishmail Gimlet (resided at the Fortress)
Stingray (resided at the Fortress)
Defensemaster (resided at the Fortress)
Mystic Master (resided at the Fortress)
Master of Knowledge

The Fortress and the Uncivilized Backyard were overrun by the Xarlon army in the summer of 1988, and the members of the Regime were forced to flee. Some remain in hiding to this day.


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