The Pleasures of the Tobacconist

I had the opportunity today during my lunch break to peruse the wares in a local tobacconist's shop. Smoking is something that the fun-police in the United States have placed in a similar category to that of farting in church and screwing the neighbor's wife--if not expressly forbidden, it is certainly frowned upon. I hear there are even places in Amerika where they forbid smoking in all public areas, including the sidewalk. Oh, for heaven' s sake--isn't that going a bit too far?

For full disclosure, I'm not a smoker, but I am opposed to CONSTANT regulation of things that are enjoyable. I used to smoke cigars and pipes, and browsing the varieties available at the tobacconist while inhaling the crisp smell of cigars in the walk-in humidor or the pungent pipe tobacco is, I must say, a pleasant experience. The shop also sells paraphernalia which a civilized man, say in the 1930's, would find a normal part of his daily plan: cigar cutters, exotic ashtrays, carved wooden pipe holders, stainless steel whiskey flasks, ceramic beer mugs, etc. It is a far cry from today's pussified world of energy drinks and alcohol-free beer.

One thing that really intrigued me was the availability of genuine Cuban cigars here in Deutschland. Due to the excessive influence of the Cuban exile community on US foreign and trade policy with Cuba, these delights are verboten in the good ole U.S. of A. And that, to me, is a far greater evil than dealing with a communist like Fidel Castro.


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