Something to try...

"You should try eating with in-laws with about a twelve pack in you. It makes for an interesting evening." -- Loren Christensen, on his summer vacation experiences, 2006


Anonymous said…
I don't understand how that comment can be construed as either funny or interesting. Evidently Mr. Christensen has a dependency on alcohol that would make those of us who obstain feel nothing but pitty and sorrow. What on earth is the world coming to?

It is sad but I am envisioning a lot of sleeveless tee shirts complimented by backwards NASCAR caps and cheap sunglasses. Greasy uncut hair on top of snotty nosed kids in diapers running through the sprinklers while mom, stepmom, and uncle Dwayne finish off a carton of generic smokes.

As morally righteous individual and a good christian, I am disturbed by the direction our country is going. We are fueled by booze and bad taste and I pray for all of those people who cannot find the peace within.

The de-evolution has begun and pretty soon you may all need to wear gloves so your knuckles won't scab from dragging on the ground.

Drink up Mr. Christensen, I will be praying for you.


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