A Work In Progress

Gentle Reader,

Yes, I know, you're surprised to see me posting here. I am always apologizing for not keeping up with the blog, so again, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better. I'm like a wife beater, and you, gentle reader, are my bitch. Come on, honey, give me another chance. I promise I'll change. I love you. Then, after a round of tears and forgiveness, a bit of time passes and WHACK! I'm at it again. Or in the case of this blog, I'm not.

Don't despair, though. I have updated our masthead, and I hope you like it. It combines the Germanic typeface appropriate for this blog's title as well as the symbol of the world tree of my long lost blog, Yggdrasil. And to celebrate, here's an interesting video from germanicfolc entitled, appropriately enough, "Yggdrasill." It's chock full of mythological symbolism and just plain good for you. Enjoy!



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