Odin's Aspects: A Tapestry of Names

In ages past, when realms were new,

A tale unfolds of the Allfather true.

Alföðr, the father of gods and men,

With wisdom deep and gaze profound, and then

The One with the Flaming Eyes, Báleygr,

Unveiling truths that none could tire.

Evil Doer, Bölverkr, master of deceit,

His schemes and plots, his treacherous feat.

Ruler of the Dark Elves, Dökkálfar-Valdr,

In shadows dwelling, his power alight.

Dróttinn, the lord of celestial might,

In regal splendor, ruling with foresight.

Einherjar, the chosen ones, they stand,

Valiant warriors, at Odin's command.

God of Cargoes, Farmatýr, guide the way,

Over stormy seas, where ships shall sway.

Fimbultýr, the mighty god renowned,

His strength unmatched, his presence profound.

Fjölnir, the mighty one, revered and strong,

Inspiring awe, in tales and song.

Lord of the Gallows, Gálgadróttinn grim,

With somber power, the souls he'd skim.

Gallows-Thruster, Galgþrór, his force so grand,

Enforcing justice, wielding death's blight.

Gangleri, the wanderer, forever roam,

Seeking wisdom, his knowledge to comb.

God of the Goths, Gautatýr, stands tall,

Protector of his people, heeding their call.

Gautr, the Gautr, his name echoes true,

From ancient lineage, his roots imbue.

Gondlir, the wand-wielder, magic's art,

Spells and enchantments, from his very heart.

Grímnir, the masked one, shrouded in guise,

Hiding wisdom deep with one veiled eye.

The One who Grasps after Riches, Haptabeiðir,

With hands relentless, in search of stealth.

Hanged God, Hangatýr, with knowledge profound,

Suspended on the tree, where wisdom is found.

Hangi, the hanged one, sacrifice profound,

Bound to the tree, where knowledge is crowned.

God of the Gallows, Hangagud by name,

Yggdrasill, threshold of eternal fame.

Herteitr, the brave one, fearless in fight,

His valor shining, a beacon of light.

The Decider, Hikarr, with judgment keen,

Balancing fates, with wisdom serene.

Helmeted One, Hjalberi, strong and bold,

With battle prowess, his enemies he'd hold.

God of Ravens, Hrafnagud, takes to the skies,

Whispering secrets, as twilight lies.

Herteitr, the bold one, courage untamed,

A warrior fierce, by foes untamed.

Hilmir, the prince, regal and fair,

With grace and nobility, beyond compare.

The Cunning One, Hnikuðr, mind astute,

Crafting stratagems, his foes to refute.

The Snatcher, Hnikarr, swift and sly,

Seizing opportunities as they pass by.

Hávamálr, the High One's speech profound,

In verses spoken, wisdom does resound.

Greybeard, Hárbarðr, with tales untold,

His voice of thunder, in echoes bold.

Equally High, Jafnhárr, in wisdom and might,

Balanced in all, both day and night.

Yule One, Jólnir, joyous and bright,

Bringing mirth and laughter, in winter's sight.

Ölnir, the ale god, raising the cheer,

With drink and revelry, his presence near.

The God of Runes, Runatýr, wise and old,

Unraveling mysteries, in symbols untold.

Sanngetall, the truth-teller, honest and clear,

Revealing reality, dispelling all fear.

Father of Victory, Sigföðr, stands tall,

Guiding warriors, never to fall.

The Sleep-Bringer, Sváfnir, calming the mind,

Granting rest and dreams, solace to find.

The Broad-Hatted One, Síðhöttir, wise and wide,

His knowledge spanning, from side to side.

Victory-Bringer, Sígrdrífa, triumphant and grand,

Her presence heralding conquest, across the land.

The Shield, Skjöldr, sturdy and strong,

Defending realms against all wrong.

Father of the Slain, Valföðr, revered with pride,

Honoring fallen heroes, who valiantly died.

Father of the Slain, Valfather as well,

Embracing warriors, where battles swell.

Ruler of the Slain, Valtýr in his reign,

Leading the chosen, their valor enshrined.

The Wandering One, Váfuðr, roams the earth,

Endless travels, from birth to rebirth.

The Furious One, Viðrir, raging with might,

Unleashing storms, in battles to ignite.

The Terrible One, Ygg, strikes fear and awe,

A force of nature, with fangs and claw.

The Fearsome One, Yggr, whose presence severe,

Commands respect, in worlds far and near.

In tales of old, their names did ring,

Aspects of Odin, from age to age they sing.

A tapestry of gods, intertwined,

In Odin's pantheon, forever enshrined.

So let their names resound with might,

The many faces of Odin, shining bright.

In reverence and awe, we honor their reign,

Forever praising Odin's sacred name.

CR Meyer


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