Arrgh, maties, we've received word here at the
Festung Europa editorial desk that
Gonar, Gatekeeper to the Outer Galaxy and the Protector of Aquaburg, is off to the races tomorrow with the 2007 Trans Superior International Yacht Race. Gonar will be one of a crew of fourteen seamen aboard the
Crazy Horse (pictured), a Frers 50 yacht.
We wish Gonar and the rest of the crew a safe and victorious race across the world's largest freshwater lake. The race starts from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, on Saturday, destination Duluth, and you can track Gonar and the
Crazy Horse here.
According to an old sailor's tale, Lake Superior never gives up her dead. This is due to the temperature of the water. Normally bacteria feeding off a sunken decaying body will generate gas inside the body, causing it to float to the surface after a few days. The water in Lake Superior, however, is cold enough year-round to inhibit bacterial growth, meaning bodies tend to sink and never surface.
You, of course, recognize the reference from Gordon Lightfoot's The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. But now you know...the rest of the story!
(With apologies to Paul Harvey...Good Day!)
Victory for the Crazy Horse doesn't look promising at this point, but who knows, perhaps the winds will favor her at the critical moment.