Spring Cleaning

Gentle reader,

First, my apologies for not keeping up with this blog and its sister site, Yggdrasil, as I should have. I really don't have a good reason other than the usual winter doldrums and having nothing worth putting bytes to blog. Plus, Facebook has become a giant time-sucker, a black hole gravitating me toward Junior High-style quizzes, superficial banter and super pokes. It is the bread and circuses of the 21st century, keeping the masses diverted while, in the words of Jim Morrison, "the whole shithouse goes up in flames."

That being said, I will now engage in a bit of spring cleaning, checking all the links, getting rid of some, and updating things in general on both blogs. Please bear with me as I do this, and I hope to perhaps get some inspiration to get blogging regularly once again.

Yours for better blogging,



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