New Year, New Style

Gentle reader,

Let me take this opportunity for those who follow the western calendar to wish you all the best for the coming year. I wish I kept up with Festung Europa, both for your sake and mine. This blog hath an enemy and his name is Facebook! Alas, I've used the convenience of that social website to publish tidbits that, in the past, were posted here. That being said, my creativity is in much need of a boost, so that I may bring you more interesting and yes, fucked up, information to brighten and/or frighten your day. So let's keep our collective fingers crossed, or thumbs pressed, as the cultural case might be, and see what 2012 has to offer us.

As is usual when I return to the blog after a considerable absence, I've started tinkering around with the style and format. Blogger now offers some snazzy-ass shit, as they say in Paris, but for the time being, I'm keeping with the standard post-and-sidebar stuff. Festung Europa always has been, and will continue to be, a work in progress.

With warm regards from Festung Europa,


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