A Quick Introduction to My Sidebar

My sidebar at the right has what I've found to be worthwhile links to subjects in my areas of interest.

In first and second place I have included links to what I feel are noteworthy reference and news sources on the web.

The next section offers informative sites concerning astronomy, almanacs and the calendar.

"Germanic Revival" deals with sites focusing on Germanic/Nordic mythology and revivals of the ancient Germanic religion.

"Free Your Mind" offers thought-provoking sites which may just open your perspectives on life in general.

"Back to Nature" features websites on self-sufficiency, sustainable agriculture, ecology, etc.

Those links under "Recommended Blogs and Websites" feature the web pages of friends, relatives and acquaintances of mine.

"Cool Radio" is pretty self-explanatory--all, however, feature live web broadcasts or recordings of past broadcasts, as is the case with A Prairie Home Companion and This American Life.

"Other Links" are naturally those which at the moment belong to no specific category.

Following this are info boxes with the current moon phase, the current view of the sun in He II 304 Å, weather for Fürth and Germany and sunrise/sunset times for Nürnberg.

I have also added interesting weather links, current German weather warnings as well as current severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings for the states.


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