Full Moon Festival - Gonar's Drink of the Month!

"Oh my God, that's fucking delicious..." are the words that just came out of my mouth. It's a sultry spring evening in Aquaburg, today's third thunderstorm has just passed through, and despite the cool it has brought to the night air, it is still a bit muggy in my abode, which I refuse to air condition until it gets quite a bit more uncomfortable. Who needs air conditioning anyway, when the late May drink of the month can be had for the asking? Yes, gentle drinker, this moon's flask is filled with the cool, fruity exhilaration of my favorite summer wine, the lovely pinot grigio. I'm drinking a glass right now, and yes, it's fucking delicious.

The pinot grigio is an Italian varietal that is characterized by a very light and fruity taste. Elsewhere in the world the same grape is generally known as a pinot gris, and due to a DNA profile that is remarkably similar to pinot noir it is thought to be a centuries-old mutation of the red grape. The Italian style of the pinot gris is called the pinot grigio and is easy to recognize for its crisp and spritzy flavor. While I prefer the Italian varity, I certainly wouldn't shy away from the pinot gris, especially from Oregon, which tend to taste for more fruity and not too acidic. If you're hosting a party where you want to serve a different wine with every course, a California pinot gris would probably go well with a salad of spring greens.

But the pinot grigio rises above them all. Damn. I've tried then from the nice ones to the $3.95 a bottle Gaetano D'Aquino at Trader Joe's, and I'll be damned if I'll ever find one that doesn't taste good. They are all good. Most people who don't drink much wine associate white wine with chardonnay, which can taste like anything from light and fruity (think Fetzer Sundial) to heavy and buttery (think Kendall Jackson) to entirely too acidic (try not to think about that stuff in the box at your friend's housewarming) Such hit-or-miss is not to be found among the pinot grigios. There is some variance, and some of my favorites are the Ecco Domani, which I'm having as I write this, and which I strongly encourage you to drink quick before it warms up because it is best enjoyed pretty chilled, as well as the Geyser Peak. At my favorite happy hour hangout, Amore Victoria, they serve a wonderful glass of Luccio pinot grigio which has an almost champagne like quality to it (without the dryness) because of the bubbles that cling to the inside of the glass. It tastes like sparkling rainwater with flavors of apple, pear and melon. Oh my god, it's fucking delicious. They all are. Even the ever-ready bottle of Cavit pinot grigio is an old standby that won't disappoint on a hot summer night when the beach is burning and there's fog crawling over the sand. Hell, you can even pick up a bottle of Cavit in most gas stations, at least in Wisconsin.

So on that note, you've got no excuse. Go out and buy yourself and your lovely a bottle of pinot grigio today! You'll be glad you did. Remember that the acidity does tend to creep in after a day or two, so once you open that bottle you've got about 24 hours to finish it.

Next month, a Festung Europa Blue Moon 2-fer special! Until then, cheers!

Gonar, Gatekeeper of the Outer Galaxy


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