
*Morse code-like peeps*

Voice of James Earl Jones:

This is a test of the God Bureau Cable Network. This is only a test.

*cue music*

*scrolling Star Wars style*


The God Bureau Cable Network
was created in 1987 to promote the virtues of
knowledge, justice and a sound breakfast
to the then 23 nations of the free world.

This test allows our station and its affiliates to ensure that you,
the viewing public,receive only the finest in quality entertainment and
propaganda, spoon-fed to you on
our advanced satellite, internet and holographic networks.

Had this been an actual emergency, you

would have been instructed to engage in such behavior as you most
likely would were the world to end in 15 minutes, such as
banging that chick in the cubicle next to you, murdering your boss with a fountain pen to the larynx, and/or stealing a car and driving it against traffic.

This concludes this test of the God Bureau Cable Network.


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