Friday Frivolity

Defensemaster1: Yeah, cool
Defensemaster1: It is pretty good.
Defensemaster1: Yeah, and the recording
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: well, as long as you enjoyed it
Defensemaster1: I did. Your songs always put me in a good mood. (And that's not just the Beck's talking!)
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: are a captive audience you know
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: It's nice to hear I have a hit in Europe
Defensemaster1: Not really. I hope I still have at least the illusion of free will.
Defensemaster1: Next CD: Have a Hit in Europe
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: the social way of life has taken it's toll on you
Defensemaster1: Better than the anti-social
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: well....I'm going to Disney unless I get side tracked
Defensemaster1: "Chris, we're worried about you. Your anti-social way of life has taken a toll on you."
Defensemaster1: You're going to Disney World!
Defensemaster1: Whoopie!
Defensemaster1: What?
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Schwanns just called and are stopping by to drop off some ice cream between now (1pm) and 3.
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Cathy is off at 4
Defensemaster1: The Schwann's man!
Defensemaster1: God bless him!
Defensemaster1: Get some hash browns as well.
Defensemaster1: They are delicious.
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: it takes at least 2 hours for me to get done at Disney....they do have fine hashbrowns
Defensemaster1: If you would say "Schwann's Man" to a German, they would interpret it as "Schwanzmann", which means...Dickman!
Defensemaster1: The Dickman cometh.
Defensemaster1: Getting some iced cream from the
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: and the dickman is a young lady called Tracy
Defensemaster1: Ask her is she is a Dickwoman.
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: you will have to do that yourself when you come back to the states
Defensemaster1: I may.


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