Gentle reader,
Having survived the terrific weather catastrophe known in common speak as rain, our Yggdrasil Florida and, uh, quite foreign correspondent, Lynn Nelson, Esq., has decided to take on something more interesting, piracy! Or at the least, he's searching for buried treasure. Arrgh, Jim boy! Here's his report from Saint Augustine, Florida, which, if my grade school memory serves me correctly, is the oldest settlement in the United States.
Dateline St Augustine, FL
Lynn Nelson Esq....,
Foreign Correspondent to Yggdrasil, reporting from St. Augustine, Florida....in search of pirate treasure
Wow, Lynn, those pictures remind me more of some adventure film entitled Iowa Nelson and the Kingdom of Typical Florida Vacation Spots. Speaking of piracy, however, gentle reader, stay tuned to Yggdrasil for my personal tips and tricks for getting the most of your internet for free.
Having survived the terrific weather catastrophe known in common speak as rain, our Yggdrasil Florida and, uh, quite foreign correspondent, Lynn Nelson, Esq., has decided to take on something more interesting, piracy! Or at the least, he's searching for buried treasure. Arrgh, Jim boy! Here's his report from Saint Augustine, Florida, which, if my grade school memory serves me correctly, is the oldest settlement in the United States.
Dateline St Augustine, FL
What Pirate in his right mind could pass up the opportunity to peruse the ocean floor of its mighty bounty? You'll have to ask someone else, because I have obviously lost mine. (Mind, that is!)
Lynn Nelson Esq....,
Foreign Correspondent to Yggdrasil, reporting from St. Augustine, Florida....in search of pirate treasure
Wow, Lynn, those pictures remind me more of some adventure film entitled Iowa Nelson and the Kingdom of Typical Florida Vacation Spots. Speaking of piracy, however, gentle reader, stay tuned to Yggdrasil for my personal tips and tricks for getting the most of your internet for free.
Nnyl Noslen