Reports from the Storm Front

Gentle Reader,

We here at Yggdrasil have received a message from our Florida correspondent, Lynn Nelson, Esq., who is reporting from the front lines of Tropical Storm Fay. Here is the text of Lynn's message:

Here I am, preparing for my first huricane/tropical storm, anticipating the opportunity of sharing the frenzy with you and you are out to lunch! Power could go off here at any minute (exaggeration), trees are swaying with ferocity (even greater exaggeration), thunder BOOMING (not an exaggeration). And little old you is away from their computer. The skies look ominous here.....darkening by the second...darkening by the moments after the pictures I sent you the rain coulds the distant view like a layer of opaque reinforced fire window......and are away from your computer.

I guess I must apologize, but really, Lynn, do you expect me to always be available?

In any case, Lynn has also sent some compelling photos of the impending doom. However, he didn't send any captions or information as to what the photos are exactly, other than that they were sent from his iPhone. (showoff!) And so, gentle reader, I present to you Lynn's photo reporting direct from central Florida and Tropical Storm Fay!

Threatening Skies over Astatula
(actually, for someone who grew up in Iowa...yawn)

Dogs coming to warn Lynn to get the hell out of there
(Dogs: "Woof woof woof, woof woof woof!"
Lynn: "Are you guys hungry or what?")

The neighbors, fleeing in terror

Look! It's raining! (yawn)


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