I'm Doomed

Gentle reader,

You know that sinking feeling when everything sort of falls apart. It's kind of like the opposite to Hannibal Smith of the A-Team's, "I love it when a plan comes together." Well, I hate it when a plan goes awry. I'm dead. The old lady found out, due to poor cleaning of my car on my part. Who would have known that certain receipts were still extant? Lesson learned? Destroy everything at first sight.

I could very well be living on the street by this time tomorrow, joining the ranks of the German homeless. "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." I think Mike Brady said that once on The Brady Bunch.

That reminds me of another of my favorite GBCN shows of the 1970's, The Butthole Bunch.

Anyway, I've been found out. The jig is up. More to follow....


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