A Special Message From Gonar

Hi ya, folks, this is Mark Kingsley of the Back to Saskatchewan Mailbag once again. Last time around we had an open letter from a young lad out of the Rockies addressed to Gonar, Gatekeeper to the Outer Galaxy, eh. In answer to this missive, we just received the following transmission here at our Western Hemisphere Headquarters in Uranium City, Saskatchewan.

Dear Double A-or-whatever-the-fuck-your-name-is:

Sorry for the delayed reply but I've been off-planet for some R&R. What does Double A stand for anyway - Androgenous Anonymous? Too bad...around here it's Androgenous Unanimous...but I just want to get back to you about the two fine ladies from Colorado Sluts University. What sorority to they belong to, Grabba Vi Breta? I have to say your photo submitted to Festung Europa is a decent attempt, but two fully clothed skinny girls playing a didgeridoo just doesn't do it for me. But I don't want to sound discouraging...get back out there in the field! Get your Vans dirty, laddie, and give it that old college try! If you need some direction, a goal, a star to set your course by, see if you can track down Abby's friend, Rachel Summers. I hear she is very, very wise and I think an interview from Double A may carve your niche in gonzo journalism. Best of luck.

Hail Stingray,

We now join our regularly-scheduled programming, already in progress, eh.

(Return to Lifestyles of the Rich and Farmers with your host, Ivan Anderson.)


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