Never Bring Up God & Politics

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: are you in here?

defensemaster1: Hi Lynn!

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I"m preparing statuses

defensemaster1: Of what?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: remembers a time when things were as they were and I'll be darned if I can figure out what anything is now.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Facebook Statuses

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: It may comprise my BigMouth this year

defensemaster1: I see

defensemaster1: That is interesting

defensemaster1: I actually thought at first that you were working. haha

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: just realized he forgot to change something.

defensemaster1: I keep losing my connection for some reason.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: is it because you are working?

defensemaster1: I need some new, more interesting Facebook friends.

defensemaster1: No, I don't think so.


defensemaster1: Well, I need some hotter chicks, for one.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Chris, do you watch Eli Stone?

defensemaster1: Chick friends who leave me messages about wanting to suck my dick and shit like that.

defensemaster1: That would make for interesting conversation among the other friends.

defensemaster1: Who is Eli Stone?


defensemaster1: About?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: A lawyer who has a brain anuerism which allows him to communicate with God

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: see the future and change things

defensemaster1: Big deal.

defensemaster1: I can take any amount of psilocybin or LSD and achieve the same thing.

defensemaster1: And remain healthy!

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: but it is only meaningful to you

defensemaster1: Without blood clots.

defensemaster1: Not necessarily. I have had some trips which brought back boons for the people.

defensemaster1: And, Eli Stone is FICTION.


defensemaster1: Here's a book for you, "The Way of the Shaman" by Michael Harner.

defensemaster1: Benefits

defensemaster1: Insight.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: and that is what this show is about

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I wish I could read Chris.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: But it puts me to sleep

defensemaster1: I remember my first trip well. I became aware of the "fake" aspect of what everyone else calls "reality". It is just a mask. To get to the heart of the matter, you have to go further.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: and that is why people do more

defensemaster1: Eli Stone is, I guess, from your description, a modern day shaman.

defensemaster1: Only I suppose when they refer to "God" they are talking about a Judeo-Christian concept.

defensemaster1: I doubt he is talking to Kali.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I would say you are correct, he is guided by an acupuncturist

defensemaster1: Is that his sidekick, so to speak?

defensemaster1: In a shamanic sense, it would be his drummer.

defensemaster1: The shaman lies flat as the drummer sets the tempo for him to make his journey.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: they refer to god....and god was played by the woman from tin can......susan suranden?

defensemaster1: What kind of visions does this Eli Stone character receive? I hope it isn't some Michael Landon-style bullshit.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: maybe not exactly the same thing

defensemaster1: Well, that is politically correct. I would like to see someone portray God as a stream or a rock. Animism, baby.

defensemaster1: Then again, I guess it is apt that they are allowing a defect in his brain to see God, since God is "created" by everyone in their brain. I doubt anything exists beyond what goes on in our heads.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: he deals with legal issues. Autism beign casued by immunizations, corrupt big business, ethical issues like lead based paint

defensemaster1: Has anyone ever considered that that the rise of autism may just be a cop-out for unruly children?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: You are being more God fixed on this than is necessary.

defensemaster1: Well, you started it.

defensemaster1: You said he can communicate with God, and that drew me in.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I was just going to pay you a complement because one of the characters on the show reminds me of you.

defensemaster1: Is there a self-sacrifice involved beyond the aneurysm?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I'm sorry if I offended you

defensemaster1: You didn't offend me.

defensemaster1: How do I remind you of a character in the show?

defensemaster1: I'm just trying to piece it all together. It gives me insight into American television culture, ca. 2008.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: The character is a clear thinking visionary who after being the head of a law firm for 30 years wants to convert his practice into a principle based service rather than a money making one.

defensemaster1: I watch little television.

defensemaster1: Well that is lofty, and timely for the Obama revolution.

defensemaster1: What other pandering does the show do?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: You should love it then

defensemaster1: Not necessarily.

defensemaster1: I was being facetious.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: why do you associate obama wiith positive change?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I don't get it

defensemaster1: It is indeed difficult to get beyond the primary motivators of fear and greed.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: because he's black?

defensemaster1: Hardly anyone does it.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Because yoy are politically correct as hell?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I'm open to understandfing, but there is so much static in the communication

defensemaster1: No, because he is a progressive democrat (small d), and after a disastrous 8 years of fear and loathing, I am ready for someone with a realistic, yet positive outlook.

defensemaster1: I'm not politically correct at all, Lynn.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: do you remember jimmy carter?

defensemaster1: I'm actually, deep deep down, as much of a Nazi as Martin Bormann.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Chris, both candidates are full of bs


defensemaster1: I just think that Obama offers a vision which is better for America than more of the same, offered by the Republicans.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I'm waiting for you to tell me WHY o'bama is so wonderful? Because he buys votes? Promises a green pasture?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Then I'm all for it

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: But its more than that

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: It ties together a whole series of conflicts which seem to be denied by both sides.

defensemaster1: Well, he understands, I think, that America needs to wean itself from oil and all that entails.

defensemaster1: He also is against the war in Iraq and understands that the war against the Taliban is far more important.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: will democrats be able to accept with any more dignity and grace the failings of O'bama as tehy are able to do with Bush?

defensemaster1: He is a bridge builder with those of differing opinion rather than a bridge burner.

defensemaster1: And he will not make the Supreme Court more conservative.


defensemaster1: He is a considered thinker rather than a hothead.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I'm sorry. I am not impressed with him for the reasons you provide

defensemaster1: Why?

defensemaster1: What don't you like about him?

defensemaster1: (He's black!)

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: That should be more of an issue.

defensemaster1: I think he understands the gravity of the current situation in America, and I'd want someone with a cool head to lead the way through troubled times.

defensemaster1: Lynn, if I, being a closet Nazi, can support him, than you certainly can!

defensemaster1: He's not culturally "black", anyway.

defensemaster1: He's no Jimmy JJ Walker.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: and you don't think McCain doesn't? lol You have bought into the Democratic brainwashing too

defensemaster1: McCain can't even run a campaign let alone a country.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Whoever comes into office is going to have a opportunity to harvest clean energy.

defensemaster1: I believe that you do need to look out for the poor, and that the rich should be taxed their share.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Whoever comes into office is going to have an opportunity to improve the economy

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Whoever comes into office will have the opportunity to reduce the deficit.

defensemaster1: The economy is undergoing the biggest changes since the 1930's, and it needs to be done right on a global scale. It may, however, be too late to avoid another depression.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Whoever comes into office is going to pull the troops out of Iraq

defensemaster1: McCain's idea to cut all spending during these tough times would be as disastrous as Hoover's decision to do the same. Deficit spending is called for to prime the pump.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: but the varience is the degreee with which we do so isn't it?

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Have you been watching Obama?

defensemaster1: Not really. I just catch the internet news.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: His strength is he can separate himself farther from Bush than McCain can.

defensemaster1: Well, McCain is more of Bush, really.


HAWKNESSMONSTER3: You are completely entitled to your views, but the economy is cyclical.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: so lets focus on one issure at a time

defensemaster1: And I certainly can't abide the Christian fundamentalists like Palin in the Republican Party. They are set on bringing their religion into the public realm, where it doesn't belong. And, quite frankly, they are a bunch of ignorant yahoos. Anyone who can believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old and that humans and dinosaurs coexisted is, in my opinion, stupid.

defensemaster1: McCain sold his soul to these wackos with his selection of Palin.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: what is the attraction of obama........I will say it again. 5 things. CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE NOT BUSH

defensemaster1: Progressive politics to help the poor and the middle class

defensemaster1: Tax the rich

defensemaster1: End the war in Iraq

defensemaster1: Restore America in the eyes of the world (believe me, everyone in Europe is waiting)

defensemaster1: Reshape the economy

defensemaster1: McCain can't and won't do it.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Do you think that the economy is cyclical?

defensemaster1: The Republicans like the version of haves and have-nots as it has been.

defensemaster1: Sure. It all depends on how big the cycle is. I don't see things rebounding anytime soon.

defensemaster1: The Great Depression started with the crash in 1929 and really hit home a couple of years later.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: You are breakling it into party lines.......try to resist that......

defensemaster1: And the only thing that really brought the US out of it was the industry associated with a global war.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: than you for the history lesson. this is good

defensemaster1: It is broken on party lines. The ideologies are different.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: but I'm asking, do you believe that the economy is cyclical?

defensemaster1: I guess I could be termed as more liberal on some things than Obama.

defensemaster1: Yes, I just said, but it depends on the amount of time you are talking.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Please, cyclical or not cyclical?

defensemaster1: Yes.

defensemaster1: It will go up, I don't doubt, someday.

defensemaster1: It may go down more before then.

defensemaster1: It all depends on the someday...which could be 2012 or 2050.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I appreciate your pessimissim........getting Obama in ther will fix everything


defensemaster1: It won't, but it will be better than McCain.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: You just got done disecting the problem and Obama is going to be the solution right?

defensemaster1: I am quite liberal and support progressive politics, so McCain doesn't suit me.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: So, just tell me that Obama is going to make it all better?

defensemaster1: In all honesty, the US is in for troubled times regardless of who gets in, but I think that Obama can provide better leadership through those troubled times.

defensemaster1: I just did. See above.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: once we establish that then we proceed

defensemaster1: Tax the rich!

defensemaster1: Help the poor and middle class!

defensemaster1: Support the unions and the workers against big business interests.

defensemaster1: These are all standard, progressive ideas, Lynn.

defensemaster1: Support alternative energy rather than drilling in Alaska.

defensemaster1: Maybe if he is really good he can set up the US with a modern rail system.

defensemaster1: Let women continue to have the right to choose an abortion should they desire.

defensemaster1: Keep religion out of politics.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: How is ,merely taxing the rich going to make up for the reductions being passed along to the majority of americans? is it fair? Does the guy who works hard to earn extra money and create jobs deserve to shoulder the irresponsibility of those less fortunate?

defensemaster1: All these things have been on the progressive agenda for some time.

defensemaster1: Yes

defensemaster1: It is fair.

defensemaster1: It is their societal responsibility.

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: Okay....then let's carry through with that premise, but first I go to the bathroom

defensemaster1: I have to get ready for a telephone conference. I'll try to catch you later.



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