Politics Revisited

Gentle reader,

After watching half of the American Vice Presidential debate on some internet site, MSNBC, I think, I turned it off. You know, I have nothing against Sarah Palin as a person. She reminds me a lot of some of the charming, "conservative", young women I've had the good fortune to bed in my wilder days. (That may or may not say much for my exploitation of targets of opportunity!) The librarian look is HOT and makes for good pornography. But just because I'd screw her, doesn't mean I want her running anything, especially with quite good chance that John McCain gives up the ghost during his first term. Palin seems incapable of what I consider to be a prerequisite for leadership: independent thought. And call me an elitist (OK, I am, what is wrong with that?), good grammar and proper English count as well. You betcha. (Oh, please!)

And so, even before the debate, I sent in my absentee ballot for the so-called battleground state of Pennsylvania. (I wonder if there ever were a 2nd American Civil War, if they would call the areas of the fighting the "battleground states". Pennsylvania was one the first time around.) I voted for the ticket of Obama-Biden, and I would encourage all of you eligible gentle readers to do the same. In fact, I voted a straight Democratic ticket, agreeing with James Howard Kunstler that the Republicans are indeeed "the party that wrecked America." In my opinion, Obama will have challenges facing him like no President has seen since F.D.R.



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