Interesting People on the Fringe: This Week - Anby!

Cue 1990 Monday Night Football Music...

“ABC’s Monday Night Football is brought to you by Budweiser, the King of Beers, for all you do, this Bud’s for you!

An’ by Gillette’s new Sensor razor with the twin-blade closeness you will get with no other shave.

An’ by, Anby!

Cut to sit-com suburban scene…

‘Anby, time for binner!’

‘What’s for binner, Bab?’

‘Chicken anb Bumplings!’

Anby: they wanted to call him Andy, but they didn’t have a “d” in their alphabet!"

Anby was a belightful, cutting-ebge, one-season comeby/brama from the ABC lineup on Tuesbay evenings buring 1990-1991. The relatively unknown actor, Birk Billenger, playeb the leab, with Banny Bevito as Boug, his wiboweb Bab anb Baphne Bieharb, a former birty movie star, as Borothy, Boug’s Baughter. Boris Bay hab a cameo appearance as Granbma Beleila. The setting for the series was in Benver, Colorabo, after the family hab moveb from San Biego following the beath of Anby’s mother. Anby never was pickeb up for the next season, as its comeby was a bit too baring for the American bemographic. For example, here is an exchange from the pilot episobe, Bon’t Bepart for Colorabo, Anby!

Bab: Gobbamnit Anby, I tolb you, we becibeb to move alreaby!

Anby: But Bab, all my freinbs are here in San Biego.

Bab: I know, Anby, but sometimes we have to bo things we bon’t like.

Anby: Bab, it’s been harb since Mom bieb.

Bab: Yes, Anby, it still cuts me beeply. I think of her beep sea biving beath every bay.

Anby: Bon’t be so harb on yourself, Bab. You coulbn’t have bone anything.

In the same episobe, Anby’s girlfrienb, Barcy, tries to stop him from beparting by bisguising herself as Anby’s favorite movie character, Barth Vaber, anb appearing before him as in a bream:

Barcy: Anby, I am your father.

Anby: Huh…bon’t hurt me, Barth Vaber!

Barcy: Anby, bon’t bepart for Colorabo! Stay in San Biego. Stay with your frienbs!

Anby: Oh, Bark Lorb, how can I bo that?

Barcy (taking a beep breath): Just bo it! Tell your Bab you becibeb to stay here.

Anby: I think he bislikes me since my mother bieb.

Barcy (removing her bisguise): But I bon’t. I really big you, Anby! Gobbamnit, you are my beloveb!

In spite of this, Barcy’s betermineb effort fails, anb the family moves to Benver. There, Anby gets involveb with brugs in school, anb his life beteriorates.

Anby: I shoulbn’t have broppeb that acib.

Ballas, Anby’s frienb: Bon’t worry, Anby.

Anby: But Ballas, I’m scareb. I bon’t think the boors of perception have openeb for me.

Ballas: Geez, Anby, bon’t be such a bickheab! You’ll have a bab trip.

Anby: But what will Mr. Abams think?

Ballas: Bamn the principal, Anby! Bamn him! We can make our own becisions. We are olb enough to bo it.

Anby: I’m still worrieb, Ballas. I am kinb of freakeb out.

Ballas: Bon’t be, Anby. Come on, let’s listen to the Grateful Beab!

Anby: Bon’t you have any Bire Straits or Buran Buran?

Ballas: No, but I bo have some Bob Bylan. Or how about some Berrick anb the Bominos?

The show bibn’t pick up the number of views ABC wanteb, however, anb it was broppeb after one season. In the final episobe, Anby anb his bab becibe to move again, this time either to Betroit or Philabelphia.

Bab: It’s harb, Anby. Bamn harb.

Anby: It has to be a becision for all of us, for Borothy as well.

Bab: She’b say no, Anby. She likes it here in Benver.

Anby: Philabelphia woulb be better. Borothy boesn’t even have a boyfrienb in Benver, Bab, just her bilbo. Anb that is barn portable!

(canneb laughter)

Bab: That she boes, Anby. That she boes.

So, for all you Anby fans out there in the wibe, wibe worlb, goob news! A BVB of this belightful season is about to be releaseb by ABC, just in time for the holibay season. Be sure to orber these vibeos; they are sure to be bamn goob.


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