Exira Sesquicentennial Special: The Sofa

I know, gentle reader, you already have everything you want in this fast-paced, materialistic world in which we live. High-Definition televisions, DVD recorders, luxury automobiles, innumerable and seldom-used high-tech kitchen gadgetry and the like are already cluttering your abode, but stop perusing that Sharper Image catalog for a moment and ask yourself this: are you happy? I already know the answer. NO! Hell no, you aren't happy! And I'll tell you why. Because you don't have an official EXIRA sofa!

It interests me that this Danish-style furniture company in the heart of Mormon country named this sofa model Exira; perhaps someone wanted to make the connection between the eastern town of the largest Danish settlement in the United States and this fine piece of red leather luxury. I wonder if its Danish designer had a relative who settled in those rolling hills of western Iowa. Is there a corresponding Elk Horn ottoman? Or how about a Kimballton lounge chair or even a Brayton boudoir set? We may never know.

So grab the phone, give those friendly, clean-cut Mormons a ring and place an order for your very own Exira sofa today. You'll be glad you did.


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