Thought for the Week

Yes, gentle reader, I am back with this week's thought for the week. Why the reason for a week without postings? Two words: Flight Simulator! I have rediscovered a program to which I first was introduced over 20 years ago with Bruce Artwick's version for the Atari 800. And in response to a little girl and Festung Europa reader who commented upon this addiction, "Yes, Katie, I am a fucking geek." I will perhaps post more on this later, with appropriate links to cool aircraft available for free on the internet.

This week's thought is an essay by one of my favorite authors, Wendell Berry. I "discovered" Berry's work back in 1997/98, after having picked up a great book by Gene Logsdon, The Contrary Farmer, which led off with one of Wendell Berry's poems, The Contrariness of the Mad Farmer. Wendell Berry is an unapologetic agrarian and free thinker in a world which seems to value neither. I see from the internet that he recently spoke at my alma mater, Iowa State University, where I am sure he rattled the cages of those who promote agri-business instead of agri-culture.

The essay and thought for the week from Berry's book, What Are People For? is entitled, The Pleasures of Eating, and is a guide to what everyone can do in response to the pre-packaged, processed and promoted system of sustenance today. I hope you enjoy it.


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