In the Merry Month of May

Gentle readers, I hope your month of May is off to a delightful start. It should be, as the old German name for the month is Wonnemond, or Month (lit. Moon) of Delight.

So as you are kicking back in the evening, your sidecar at your side, what to do? Well, before engaging in some fertility rites with your significant other(s), why not enjoy a wonderful 1973 British film set at the time of the first of May, also known to the Celtic peoples as Beltane?

The film is Anthony Shaffer's The Wicker Man, starring Christopher Lee, who has played everything from Dracula to Saruman, as Lord Summerisle, and Edward Woodward, perhaps best known to Americans as The Equalizer from the 1980's CBS series, as Sergeant Howie. It even has Britt Eckland, which is a reason to rent/buy it in and of itself. I'm not going to go into the plot here, so just take my word for it: you won't be disappointed.

But for those who want a bit of encouragement, here is the trailer. Enjoy!

P.S. By the way, the film does answer the question: "Where is Rowan Morrison?"

P.P.S. And don't get tricked into renting/purchasing last year's version with Nicolas Cage, as you will be sorely disappointed. Get the original!


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