Albert Hofmann, 1906-2008

Yesterday marked the passing of a consciousness pioneer, Dr. Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD. He died at the ripe old age of 102.

Hofmann came across the effects of the drug accidentally, but on April 19, 1943, he deliberately took a dose of it, riding his bicycle home on a trip in more ways than one. This became known as Bicycle Day among later psychedelic enthusiasts.

Later, Hofmann wrote a book called LSD: My Problem Child, which for the curious can be accessed here.

What better way to celebrate Walpurgis Night, the arrival of May and the life of Albert Hofmann than to drop some acid and participate in a devilish orgy on some bald mountain? I can think of none.

Disclaimer: This pseudo-shaman does not advocate the taking of lysergic acid diethylamide, nor any psychoactive substance, without either a sober guide or a clear head.


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