An Anniversary and the Rebirth of the Blog

Ninety years ago today, on April 21, 1918, the German ace of aces, Manfred von Richthofen, was shot down and killed over France. He was 25 years old.

Credit for this kill was given to Captain Roy Brown, a Canadian flyer, although I tend to believe the thesis proposed in the late 1960's by the authors, P.J. Carisella and James W. Ryan, that a Sgt. Popkin of the Australian infantry shot down Richthofen from the ground. Either way, Richthofen, who with 80 victories to his credit was the most successful ace of World War I, was dead: a tremendous loss to the German Air Service.

I am using this anniversary concerning one of my early heroes to bring life once again into this blog, Festung Europa, which had previously been cancelled due to the demise of the Defensemaster of the Stingray Regime. This revitalization shall have a renewed focus on historical and cultural matters, as well as social commentary. We shall see how this all fits in with Yggdrasil, as I wish to keep the topic matters a bit separate. Perhaps one will be more serious and the other more light-hearted, who knows. Maybe I'll end up deleting both of them and telling the entire world to go fuck themselves. Stranger things have happened.

At any rate, please enjoy this rebirth (without the afterbirth) and stay tuned!



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