Talent Shoots

HAWKNESSMONSTER3: I think about some of those songs I've written sometimes and that its's just really sad that everyone doesn't know them.
defensemaster1: That says something. What, I don't know, but that says something.
defensemaster1: Maybe if the Great Depression II strikes the US, you could be this generation's Woody Guthrie.
HAWKNESSMONSTER3: You may have named my calling
defensemaster1: The uplifter of the downtrodden, the salvation of middle America, ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a warm State Fair welcome for Exira native, Lynn Nelson!
defensemaster1: *cheering*
defensemaster1: *2 thrown bottles of beer*
defensemaster1: *five bared breasts*
defensemaster1: (OK, one chick was only half into it.)
defensemaster1: I'm there.
defensemaster1: I would have liked to have been a smart-ass Bill Reilly in a previous life.
defensemaster1: Bill Reilly on acid.
defensemaster1: Or whisky.
defensemaster1: "Great kid, now get the fuck off stage!"
defensemaster1: "Our next contestant can really twirl a baton, and let's see what else she can do with it. Please welcome Tammy Twizzler from Strawberry Point!"
defensemaster1: "And now, in our sprout, or as I like to call it, shoot, department, here's a young lad from Brayton, Iowa, here to sing some songs of his own composition. Please welcome little Lynn Nelson!"
defensemaster1: *4 thrown bottles of beer*
defensemaster1: I would like to put the hole back in wholesome.


Anonymous said…
I feel like I was there and I still don't know what you are talking about.

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