Let The Games Begin!

Gentle Reader,

I would like to thank Miss Jocelyn Riehl of Corvallis, Oregon, for turning me on to the Facebook application, Scrabulous, that newsworthy piece of piracy which has been defacto allowed by the Scrabble copyright holders, mainly as they don't want to piss off a whole heck of a lot of people. This led me to add another Facebook application from the same group of Indian entrepreneurs, Chess Pro, which is even more up my alley. So if you haven't gotten a Facebook account, do so and let's play. It's not just for pedophiles anymore!

On another note concerning games, I am heartened to see a lot of people protesting the running of the Olympic torch to Beijing. The Communist Chinese, just about as vile a lot as you will ever find, became the darling of the globalization establishment over the past 20 years, resulting in an evergrowing US debt held in Asia and an evergrowing heap of plastic junk everywhere else. Only for reasons of business, i.e. money, is the oppressive rule of the Chinese government overlooked, while the US government finds small fry like Castro's Cuba to pick on. In any case, it is nice to see demonstrated solidarity with the plight of the Tibetans, and it is my hope that some world leaders put a bit of pressure on the tyrants this time around. Will they really understand anything, to paraphrase Mao, not coming from the barrel of a gun? Well, the pocketbook never hurts.

Speaking of games, I never really picked up the card-playing bug from my family. My dad always enjoyed pitch and cribbage, my mother still plays pitch, bridge and whatever is going down at the local community center and my youngest nephews are proud participants in P.I.S.S., a pitch playing partnership. Me? I don't even really know the rules to poker. So, with that in mind, I found a pretty good teacher in this card playing program. You can to by going to these links provided by some Asians (not the commie Chinese!):


The password for unpacking the iso file is www.subforum.info. Read the instructions in the nfo.

So I guess I'll try to learn pitch at least. And perhaps I'll learn skat, which is what the Krauts like to play.



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