A Video Recommendation: Sacred Weeds - Henbane

I have been reading a lot of ethnobotany of late from two of my favorite German authors, Wolf-Dieter Storl and Christian Rätsch. After reading Storl's Götterpflanze Bilsenkraut (Henbane - Plant of the Gods), I found this BBC program, Sacred Weeds, hosted by a British scholar, Dr. Andrew Sherrod. He manages to find volunteers to dose on old shamanic plants and fungi such as the fly agaric mushroom and the Egyptian blue lily, all to see if these plants offer up the halluncinogenic experience as purported in myth and legend. One of these episodes was dedicated to black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger. Through the magic and illegality of youtube, I provide you with the links to this program as long as it lasts.

Sacred Weeds: Henbane Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V




David said…
Great gear. Thanks for sharing.

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