It's a Holiday Threesome Today!

Yes, gentle reader, you indeed get a treat on this Thanksgiving Day in America: three, count 'em, three posts on Festung Europa, all touching a bit on the topic of the holiday.

This final post of the day is basically a thought I had while perusing the web and seeing President Bush's tradition of pardoning a turkey, sending the old bird to some greener pasture away from the table, at Thanksgiving, a tradition which dates from 1947 and President Harry S. Truman. What struck me was the significance of this ritual, which really is a not so subtle promotion for the poultry industry. In ages past, the ruler or chief priest, responsible for undertaking the rituals for the betterment of the society as a whole, would sacrifice an animal, often a bull, in order to encourage the favor of the gods. Now today, instead of a blood sacrifice, we have a tongue-in-cheek sparing of the life of an animal as a public relations event for an industry which, in all honesty, treats these living creatures purely as souless products. At least the sacrificed animal in days past was given honor and respect, often decorated with garlands and sung praises to before the sacrificial kill. The farcical "honor" of the presidential pardon in this case belies the needless suffering und dishonorable deaths of millions of living creatures.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no PETA fanatic. But to me, a ritual killing of a creature performed with the good of society in mind, honoring and respecting the animal in life as well as in death, is much more meaningful than assembly line killing to fill the pockets of the agribusiness conglomerates. Know the animal you are to eat. Feed it by hand. Groom it. Care for it. Slit its throat. Butcher it. And enjoy it. It is a much healthier alternative, and in my opinion, is more soulful as well.


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