Thought for the Week

This week's thought for the week comes once again from retired ISU religious studies professor and my spiritual guru, Ted Solomon, a.k.a. Theo von Bismarck, as he hails from the North Dakota capital. He recently sent me some handouts on Hinduism which I am enjoying. Here are his comments:

Hinduism, like all religions, has both higher and lower grades of B.S. One of my guiding images in life is that we all are in the toilet bowl of life filled with many turds and used (soiled) paper like scriptures. Some latch onto the following turds: high and lower grade religions, their jobs, nationalism or patriotism (or -isms of all sorts), sexuality, drugs, alcohol, the ego-body (selfishness), political parties, family, sports, etc. You name it! Some deluded ones think God is about to pull the flush lever - but it ain't going to happen - we humans are pretty clever in engaging in wars, environmental pollution, catching AIDS, etc., so it is we humans that might pull the flush lever. We can avoid the great flush!

Ted Solomon


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