Thought for the Week

I discovered the following interesting tidbit in Harry E. Wedeck's A Treasury of Witchcraft (Gramercy, New York, 1994) on page 179. It is an extract from a Renaissance document, a compendium of evil, as it were:

At Bamberg, Peter Stumpf was condemned to death for intimacy with a succubus for more than twenty-eight years. This demon had given him a girdle. When he put it on, it appeared to him and to others that he had changed into a wolf. He tried to devour two of his daughters-in-law.

Francesco Guazzo, Compendium Maleficarum, 1608.

My wife's father is a Stumpf, hailing originally from Thüngersheim on the Main, not too far from Bamberg, which could mean that this werewolf girdle is still in the family. Perhaps I can borrow it!


Gonar, GOTOG said…
It's too bad you missed the post-Halloween sale at Paper Warehouse. They had some pretty good werewolf gear there. I'm betting it was certainly good enough to fool the in-law ladies in your life!

CR Meyer said…
Although devouring my nineteen year old sister-in-law may cause a bit of friction within the family, the thought had crossed my mind.

Devour Me Slowly, Repeatedly

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