The DDT Interview, Part IV

Dick: (returning from bathroom) So, where were we? (sits down)

Meyer: We were discussing my collaborators on the blog.

Dick: Ah yes, you also have been getting some artwork submissions of late from the Mystic Master.

Meyer: Yeah, Guy does some great work. It is a pity we never got this stuff down in comic book or graphic novel form.

Dick: That would be very interesting. Why hasn’t some creative collaboration come out of this?

Meyer: It may, who knows? We are both two extremely lazy motherfuckers, so there is an incredible amount of inertia to overcome.

Dick: Have you given much thought to the idea?

Meyer: Just rough plot sketches. I have a concept of the thing being a sort of anarchist cookbook in graphic novel form, something subversive, and yet, at the same time, deviantly funny. I would be upset if the authorities didn’t try to ban it.

Dick: Could you elaborate on some of your rough ideas?

Meyer: (chuckling) Wait for the movie, Dick.

Dick: Well, it is a fair question…

Meyer: I’m not stupid enough to commit myself at this point in time. Rough is the key word here. Some of this has been discussed with Guy, but like I said, we are damn lazy, easily distracted by the temptations of salted snack treats and soft drinks.

Dick: What about Loren Christensen’s contributions as “Iowa Correspondent and Man about Town”? How did his involvement come about?

Meyer: Loren always enjoys an outlet for spouting off his views of the world, and we intend to give it to him.

Dick: His writing is always in bold-face.

Meyer: That is how I receive it: CAPSLOCK on. I kind of like it that way, as I envision him screaming everything at the top of his lungs, regardless if anyone is around to listen.

Dick: Whereas your comments as the Defensemaster are always in red...

Meyer: (takes drink) I got that idea from the New Testament.

Dick: Interesting. And now, your nephew, Aaron Nielsen, has started actively contributing with the Girl of the Week feature. Some would say its sexist and demeaning.

Meyer: That is exactly what we are shooting for, Dick!

Dick: And at the same time, Mr. Meyer, it is pretty tame.

Meyer: You know, Dick, I would get kicked off of for anything more risqué. What is important, here, is that these girls are amateurs, OK, yes, I’ll say it, the typical girl next door. These are college age girls who, for whatever their personal reasons, decide to display themselves to the world in their underwear. And, thank goodness, Aaron has a sense for it and is able to sniff out good applicants each week.

Dick: Or at least for the last couple of weeks. The first one was kind of, how should I say it, fugly.

Meyer: That’s better than starting off with the best and getting worse every week, isn’t it, Dick?

Dick: Yeah, I guess that’s right.

(to be continued)


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