A BCDC Toast

Clink, clink, clink, clink..... Excuse me please. I have a few words I would like to say about the BCDC.

In regards to symbolism and earthly meaning, the BCDC is a celebration of the lives of all the members of the Stingray Regime. We thought of it first and 20 years later we can still vividly recapture our youth in the hearts and minds of all those who once stared down at a cookie sheet covered with dough in the shape of a cock and balls. Shit, I think I burned every BCDC I ever baked but I was just high enough to eat a big chunk and toast my friends.

Even in those days we were dumb enough and wise enough to realize that irresponsible behavior like that wouldn't last forever. Someday we all had to go our own direction and let our destiny become a series of good and bad decisions that lead us to this date on the calendar. And if you are reading these words on this day with a roof over your head, a buck or two in your pocket, and a story to tell, then I look forward to a time when I get to hear all about your journey.

If you are anything like me, a lot of people have come and gone. Most just friends out of proximity and convenience I suppose. Today however, I am pleasantly saddled with the understanding that you idiots are the first life long friends outside the comfortable surroundings of our "wonder years". You are my kind of people. I get you and I will be there for you, and I hope you had a god damn tasty dick cookie this time around. Cheers.



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