Keith recants! What a pathetic piece of shit!

I don't know about you, gentle reader, but I thought better of Keith Richards for admitting a bit of ritualistic he wants to recant, saying that the snorting of his father's ashes mixed with cocaine was "totally untrue". Then why the hell would he say it in the first place? If he just wanted notoriety, then why recant now?

It sounds like some PR guru for Richards and/or The Stones got a hold of it and is trying to spin it away, wary of whatever fallout should occur over the statement. "God forbid the kiddies who watch Pirates of the Caribbean should think Johnny Depp's father snorts his father...mixed with coke! The horror!" Or, more importantly, "God forbid Disney loses any money over the deal." Whatever happened to The "who gives a shit" Rolling Stones? I had a hell of a lot more respect for Richards up to now.


Anonymous said…
Keith Richards deserves your respect. At least he told the story the way it
was and put it out there for the "real people" among us to appreciate.

Your image of him is smudged because he got bought out or whatever happened
that led to his recant of the story. But it happened. Historically he'll be
remembered for the story, not the recant.

It isn't popular to do something obnoxious like what he described his doing,
and I suppose it upset a lot of people. DEFENSEMASTER! Find peace from what the
Beatles and the Anthology Set have taught us. Remember when John and Yoko
posed naked on the two virgins cover.....what did Ringo say? He said, "now
all the others of us have to answer for it". I think a little of that is
going on here. That would have been a comparable socially inappropriate
gesture. At the time they just pulled the albums off the shelf or wrapped
them up, but the product remained. They same way with Richards saying what
he did. It's recorded. After he's dead it won't matter. But now it does
to somebody. But the story will live as part of his legacy.

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