Thought for the Week

One of the downsides of living in Festung Europa is the fact that we don't get The Sopranos, at least not like folks do in the states. I saw a German-dubbed version of The Sopranos once, but now I am steering clear. German is a nice language for bureaucratic, genocidal evil, whereas New Jersey Italo-American slang is much more appropriate for the petty evil of the American mob; i.e. it cannot be translated. I guess I should buy the multi-language DVDs, or perhaps more realistically, download the stuff illegally (an even pettier evil).

It is in this spirit that I present this week's Thought for the Week, which comes from an interesting discussion of the final Sopranos season on HBO by Tim Noah and Jeff Goldberg of Slate.

Thought for the Week

"Which brings me to our most urgent business of all. Did you know that in Italian there are at least nine very rude slang terms for pussy? There's fica, fregna, frigna, mona, patacca, piscella, pisciatella, pucchiacha, and quaglia."

My personal favorite is pucchiacha.


Rafaela said…
Yes, the poems are my.I don't understand very well of english, but I will try to translate for you.

Always the fear.
that one that in arrests them.
it in makes them to hide
to create ghosts
they are multiplied in days of rain.
Fear,pack that we load the life all.
Everybody has its ghost.
Rafaela said…
YES!you can publish.
and is correct you portuguese(obrigado=thanks)

well, are you from Deutschland?!
is a good country.I don't know speak deutsch. haha

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