E.J. Ra - The Enthusiast!

TV News announcer: That wraps up our GBCN Late Night News for this evening. We look forward to seeing you again tomorrow night! Until then, keep your head down and your chin up!

(GBCN Late Night News music wraps up. Fades out.)

(Start funky bass line with keyboards for theme music. Opening sequences, filmed in faded, 1970’s cheap porn film quality, show cityscape, grimy tenaments, taxi traffic jams, steaming manhole covers…title graphics in yellow start, zooming in from background)




The Enthusiast!

(title graphics continue, now showing stars of show as they are announced)


Chuck Figaletti as E.J. Ra

(E.J. Ra is a 30-ish, tall Italian male with the standard 1970’s white man’s Afro, horseshoe mustache, tan leisure suit with white wide collar, gold chains…he is shown teaching his classroom of inner-city youth, walking the streets of the city, nodding hello to the hot dog vendor, now seen with a young, blonde lad in striped shirt)

Donnie Bellhorn

(Donnie Bellhorn plays Billy, E.J. Ra’s nephew, of whom E.J. is the guardian, following the brutal murder of his sister, her husband and Billy’s 2 sisters by unknown assailants. Screen shows E.J. and Donnie walking along riverfront together, then playing catch in a city park.)

Julie Bologna

(Julie Bologna plays Trish, a raven-haired, slender young attorney, E.J. Ra’s sometime girlfriend and neighbor. Screen shot shows her carrying briefcase to her office on city street, then sharing tender moment with E.J. on a moonlit harbor cruise.)

Simone Hastings

(Simone Hastings plays Lydia Ra, E.J’s 70-ish Italian grandmother. Screen shows her cooking dinner for E.J. and pinching his cheeks.)

with Mark Kingsley

(Mark Kingsley plays Todd Bainbridge, E.J.’s overtly homosexual next-door neighbor. Screen shows Mark saying hello to E.J. in hallway of their apartment building, then washing his 1972 Gran Torino in a white T-shirt and butt shorts.)

and Mako as The Defensemaster

(Mako plays The Defensemaster, E.J.’s Japanese martial arts instructor and advisor. Screen shows The Defensemaster meditating in cross-legged stillness, then attacking 3 dudes at once in his dojo.)

(Funky music reaches climax, as screen shows E.J. roughing up some punks on the street, browsing through a modern art museum, drawing a pistol and sneaking in a creepy alleyway, and then grilling hamburgers and hotdogs for all aforementioned cast members. All are smiling and/or laughing. E.J. tousles Billy's hair.)

(Fade out.)


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