Bunker Week Special

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, gentle readers from the fifty-six nations of the free world! It is time once again for our annual Bunker Week festivities here at Festung Europa, a time to pause, reflect, let the hate swell within you and go into a raging frenzy, cursing your enemies while muttering blood oaths of vengeance and general mayhem.

You may be sitting calmly right now in your cubicle, thinking pehaps about that next coffee break or cigarette, but WAIT! Take a look at Joe over there. He never does a damn thing and yet he always gets invited to play golf with the boss on Thursday afternoons. Or perhaps Susan. You made out with her and even groped her crotch in a drunken mishap which came about at the end of last year's Christmas party...and now she won't even look at you. Or consider Doug, that obsequious wretch who is always telling you how great your ideas are, while secretly stealing them and pawning them off on his own. Yes, ladies and gentlemen...TO HELL WITH ALL OF THEM! Find that personal, underground space where you can retreat from the invading world, wax nostalgically about your inherent greatness, stroke your pet dog while preparing to poison her with cyanide and then get up the guts to execute a suicide pact with your lover as the whole rotten shithouse goes up in flames! Yes, it is Bunker Week. It is YOUR week. Make the most of it.

In honor of the occasion, please enjoy this Bunker Week special put together by ExitPonger entitled: Der Untergang: I Am Hitler's Raging Bile Duct.


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